Fatalities in agriculture and the process of risk assessment

October 18th 2017

The fatal injury rate in agriculture is 18 times higher than average. In total 30 people were killed on British farms in the past year. HSE research shows that hazards include contact with electricity (10 per cent), injury by an animal (7 per cent) and falling from a height (7 per cent).

Charles Foster, Head of Lycetts Rural Insurance, says: ‘It is worrying that agriculture remains one of the most dangerous industries, with the high fatality rate far exceeding other industries. Risk assessment of these dangers can help reduce the possibility of fatalities.’

Risk assessment is vital for agricultural businesses and receiving advice on agricultural risk management strategies can help prevent accidents. It also keeps employers up to speed on the changing legal and regulatory landscape.

At Lycetts risk assessment is part of our insurance renewal process. We routinely review risk exposure with clients to ensure they are compliant with necessary policies. We also provide our rural clients with access to advice, guidance and templates relating to health and safety, business and commercial law.

Charles Foster says: ‘With tailored, personal advice and administrative support we endeavour to help our clients reduce their exposure to risk. While it is important to be compliant with legislation, however, it is even more important to ensure the safety of employees. In the event of an accident, adequate levels of insurance cover will provide financial support for those involved. But risk assessment and prevention are our priority.’

‘While our brokers are able to advise on many aspects of risk assessment, they will also flag up where extra specialist advice and support is needed. That is why we have a specialist risk management service which specialises in this field.’

For more information on Lycetts Farm & Agriculture Risk Management service, see here.


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