Fire prevention is as important as fire insurance

August 3rd 2017

No one wants to claim on fire insurance. Although the UK insurance industry pays out around £1.14 billion a year in fire claims this only covers the material damage caused. The real impact of a fire goes much further. This is because fire carries a very real threat to life and the consequences of a house fire are emotionally devastating.

Not only is there the damage caused by the fire itself, but there is often extensive smoke damage to the rest of the building as well as water damage which occurs during the process of extinguishing the fire. Although most fire insurance policies cover the cost of refurbishing a house and replacing its contents, personal belongings and family heirlooms simply cannot be replaced. It is not surprising, therefore, that fire prevention is seen as being just as important as fire insurance. Here are a few basic steps to help to fire-proof your home.

  • Book a free fire safety visit from your local fire service. In some areas these are limited to households with vulnerable inhabitants but in London they are available to everyone. Check with your local fire officer about what service may be available.
  • Fit a smoke alarm on every floor and ensure that batteries are replaced on an annual basis. The alarm system itself should be checked weekly or as regularly as practicable.
  • Never leave mobile devices or e-cigarettes charging overnight. Fires can and do occur when plugs and devices overheat.
  • Check whether sockets are over-loaded. You can find out if sockets are safe by using the special calculator provided at
  • Consider a fire-proof safe for all important documents. In the event of a fire, you will not be tempted to waste time looking to save paperwork.

Lycetts is able to provide expert advice on all aspects of fire insurance and farm and estate insurance policies. For more information speak to your broker or contact Jonathan Lloyd at our London office (0207 398 1660) or


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