Closing of nominations for Lycetts Team Champion Awards

December 14th 2017

Entries for the inaugural Lycetts Team Champion Award have now closed and we are delighted to report that racing yards up and down the country have responded brilliantly.

The number of entries for the award, which Lycetts is sponsoring in partnership with the National Trainers Federation (NTF), has exceeded the target set. This demonstrates that trainers and staff have made a massive effort to show what it means to them to be part of a successful team.

Rupert Arnold, speaking for the NTF, said, “Our aim is to showcase the positive results of using the highest standard of staff management practices to develop a team that works well together. It has been exciting to read the nominations and get real confirmation of the enthusiasm and camaraderie that exists in British racing stables. These are great places to work.”

This week the judging panel will begin scoring the nominations in accordance with the criteria set out in the entry form. Later this month, two shortlists will be announced comprising the four highest scoring yards. One Lycetts Team Champion Award shortlist is for yards with 40 or more horses; the other is for those with fewer than 40.

In January the judges will visit those eight yards with the winning stable in each category being presented with their £4,000 prize at the NTF’s Annual General Meeting at the Institute of Directors on 22nd February 2018.

Lycetts Team Champion Award is based on The Winning Approach, a bespoke industry standard for staff engagement and motivation developed for the NTF by consultants Sport and Beyond. The project has been supported by the Racing Foundation.



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